January 3, 2022 – No inspiration has come to me regarding the writing of another book or articles this month. But, I have been inspired to increase the number of my blog posts from once a month to twice a month for now.
October 4, 2021 – Sending stories into Chicken Soup this month. Rereading the books I’ve written.
Sept 6, 2021 – Occasional cooler days are inspiring my writing sensitivities. Onward pen!
July 5, 2021 – Blogging and letter writing are my motives this month.
June 7, 2021 – Yard work, yard work, yard work. I look forward to fall/winter – writing time!!
May 3, 2021 – Too much going on this month to do more than blog writing. Hope you enjoyed.
April 5, 2021 – No big news on the writing scene this month. Always trying to collect thoughts in my head for another article or book. Inspiration – please come!!
March 1, 2021 – I sent off two humorous stories to “Country Woman” this month and eagerly wait for a response. Unfortunately, like so many other publications, “Country Woman” does not notify you unless they are going to use it and sometimes you don’t know this until months and even into years after you submit it. I am grateful for the publications that will take simultaneous submissions.
February 1, 2021 – I’m glad I have my blog to keep me writing at least once a month. It keeps my skills from rusting and I like to think it keeps my mind from rusting as well. Even though I did little other than my blog this month, my hope is to increase my hours of writing soon.
January 4, 2021 – This month has brought to me one of the greatest rewards for writing – in my estimation. I love hearing from readers and that’s what I did. A fella in Washington State contacted me after reading the article I had in the Oct/Nov issue of Country Magazine. We had a delightful visit and when he and his wife visit this area next summer, we plan to get together. These are the things that keep me enthusiastically writing!
November 2 – I was pleasantly surprised this month to open my October/November issue of Country Magazine and find an article I had sent them awhile back. That lead to having the administration at the DC Booth Fish Hatchery notify me and ask if I would come for a picture beside the statue I had written about. All fun stuff!
September 7 – I believe we can say we are settled into our new home. I am anxious to start writing again. I’ll be sending a story to Chicken Soup this month and am waiting on responses for other short stories I have submitted to various publications.
August 3 – We are in our new home as of three days ago. Unpack, unpack, unpack. No time for writing now but looking forward to getting back to it. Once a writer – always a writer!
July 6 – Doing more packing, then writing this month. We will be relocating to another home in Spearfish – one with less yard and maybe more time to write!
June 1 – I was pleasantly surprised this week when a friend emailed and told me she had seen my article in Country Magazine (June/July issue) about a toad. They had not notified me beforehand so I had no idea they had accepted it! Surprise, surprise! I will also have a very short – less than 100 words – in Woman’s World in the June 22nd issue. I’m keeping busy! 🙂
May 4, 2020 – I had a very good response to Laughter is the Best Medicine – Chicken Soup’s newest book. I was able to sell my contributor copies quickly and then ordered 40 more and have sold all but two of those. I think folks are hungry for some laughter!! I have not gotten inspiration for a new book, but am sending in articles to various publications.
April 6, 2020 – Chicken Soup’s newest book – Laughter is the Best Medicine – couldn’t have come at a better time. There’s probably not a one of us that wouldn’t enjoy a good laugh or two during these difficult times. I have received my contributor copies, but the book won’t go on sale until April 14th. You will be able to order them on Amazon, but it may take awhile to get them as Amazon is only shipping out essential merchandise at this time. Target and Wal-Mart will also carry them. And remember, if you’re needing more easy to read material during these days of self quarantines, the Sandhills Saga series is available as well. I have copies here at the house, so at this time that may be the best way to obtain them. You can email me at delilalumbardy@gmail.com.
March 2, 2020 – “Laughter is the Best Medicine” Chicken Soup Book will be released the middle of April. Look for the llama on the cover. The story I contributed is “A Short Misunderstanding. I will have a few book for sale so let me know if you’d like a signed copy.
February 3, 2020 – It’s a done deal – my story has been selected for the Chicken Soup book I mentioned in January’s update – see below. I’m continuing to send in an article here and there – the last one went to Country Magazine entitled, “Center of the Nation”. (We live thirty miles from the actual spot.) I want to share an email I have received from a new fan of my books:
I loved it!!! I can’t wait to read the second one. God bless you for this good clean Christian book that also reminded me of applying God’s word to my life. I love the message of forgiveness!!! Can’t wait to read the second book!!
I have to tell you that I don’t have the patience to read but I sure read those two books and always looked forward to having the time to read them! I read them at my break times at work and I stayed up til 2 or 3 am! Praying you write another book! You definitely glorify God and use the truth!
January 7, 2020 – Wow…a new decade! I was notified this week that a story I submitted to Chicken Soup has made it through the first selection process. This is not a guarantee of publication in the book, Laughter is the Best Medicine, due to come out in April, but the majority of selections that make it this far are published. Fingers crossed! Check out June’s entry on this page to see how to get my books of the Sandhills Saga Series.
November 4, 2019 – It’s snowing! More reading and writing days! I’m still focusing on short stories that I’m sending in to various publications. But again, if you enjoy my blogs you might enjoy my books. Check out June’s entry on this page on how to get your copies to add to your stack of winter reading.
October 7, 2019 – This week this came across FB – Anyone who has time to clean is not reading nearly enough. So there you go – there’s always time to read – just take it out of your cleaning schedule! These cooler days are making my fingers itch for a pen. I’m still working on short stories at this time, but check out the June post on this page if wanting to purchase the Sandhills Saga Series.
September 2, 2019 – See the June post on this page to find out how to get the Sandhills Saga Series. Summer continues to cling to a few days here and there, but fall is overtaking. Enjoy the cooler and darker evenings. Time to think about those good books to read!
August 5, 2019 – My writing since last month has consisted of some short articles sent into Chicken Soup and Country Magazine. Will see what happens with those. Have a great August.
July 2, 2019 – Although, I have not been writing this month (or last either) I can feel the desire pressing in on me. Realistically, it will be fall before I pick up my pen. There’s too many fish to be caught, grass to be mowed, and trails to be hiked before cool weather sets in.
June 3, 2019 – Spring is FINALLY here! So good for getting out, but bad for writing. So since nothing new is on the writing scene, I will just remind folks of how to get my Christian Fiction books – The Sandhills Saga Series. The best buy for the paperback version is through me and you get it signed if you want. My email address is delilalumbardy@gmail.com. You can also get the paperbacks and the Kindle edition through Amazon.
May 6, 2019 – This past weekend, I spoke at the Grace Chapel Spring Luncheon in Worland, WY. Because it was my writing that got me there, I shared how my writing passion came about and current projects I am working on. I shared the David and Goliath story (with a few dramatic effects) and it was well received. The host provided me with an opportunity to sell some books, which I did – very grateful for that. The longest portion of the 45 minute talk was dedicated to my life and spiritual journey. I do believe these speaking engagements are a great way to promote my writing endeavors.
April 7, 2019 – I have half a dozen old Biblical stories put to rhyme. It’s been a good winter project. I contacted a very helpful agent this last month. She gave me suggestions on the David and Goliath story. But she also said there are numerous rhyming stories of David and Goliath out there already so not sure where this is going to take me. Time will tell.
March 2, 2019 – The story of “Daniel in the Lion’s Den” is under my belt. Plugging along at a decent speed. The cold temps hovering near zero are helpful to the writing process. See February’s note if interested in how to obtain “Bound by Secrecy” and “Bound by Three Strands.”
February 2, 2019 – Work continues on the children’s book of biblical stories set to rhyme. Completed this month is “Joseph and His Brothers” and “Jesus Walks on Water.” Two speaking engagements are approaching in the spring – the Author Fair here in Spearfish in April and an engagement for a women’s church group in Worland, WY in May. I look forward to both of them and sharing one of my poems. The Sandhills Saga series continues to be sold. I always keep some on hand here for those that would like a signed hard copy. Amazon also had the paperbacks and the Kindle editions. My email address is delilalumbardy@gmail.com for questions or books.
January 5, 2019 – The rough draft of “Joseph” is finished and fine tuning has begun. “David”, “Jonah”, and “Noah” have been in my “what to do with” folder for several years. I’m excited to have come up with a plan for these poems. My two Christian Fiction Books remain available from me or Amazon. (Kindle edition also available.) If you desire a signed copy of either or both books you may email me at delilalumbardy@gmail.com.
December 1, 2018 – I am starting on my next writing project. This time it will be a children’s book of Bible Stories set to rhyme. I am excited about this as I feel I am being led to do this by Someone bigger than myself.
November 4, 2018 – Yesterday fifteen authors participated in the First Campbell County Author’s Fair. Great fun! I thank everyone that came out to look or to buy books. My husband was happy that the two boxes of books he lugged in were considerably lighter when he carried them out. Yeah!! Remember, Christmas is around the corner. The Sandhills Saga Series would make a great gift for that Christian Fiction reader on your ist. Email me for the best deal at delilalumbardy@gmail.com. Both books are available through Amazon as well and both are in Kindle format, too.
October 6, 2018 – I will be attending the first “Author Fair” sponsored by the Campbell County Library in Gillette, WY on November 3. I am looking forward to visiting with readers and selling some books!
September 2, 2018 – The Sandhills Saga Series (2 books) continues to be available through myself for the paperback or through Amazon for either paperback or ebook. If you like Christian Fiction and are interested in ranch/small town life here’s an entertaining book series for you. The first book, BOUND BY SECRECY, revolves around Laurel, a nurse practitioner that leaves her practice in Kansas City to return to the ranch she grew up on to assist her father – who insists he doesn’t need her help. In BOUND BY THREE STRANDS the same characters, plus a few new ones, take you deeper into the life of the small town doctor – Doc Vince. Buying the paperback through me is your most economical way to go. My email address is delilalumbardy@gmail.com.
August 5, 2018 – Many have already read BOUND BY THREE STRANDS! It has been available now for several weeks. I am getting ready to send a check off to St. Judes Hospital as I have pledged a percentage of each book to go to them. Several people have given me extra money to send to them. What a blessing! If you have read the book and enjoyed it, please pass the word.
July 7, 2018 – I am so excited to tell you that BOUND BY THREE STRANDS is finished, ordered, and will be arriving on my doorstep by the 13th of this month! It is already available on Amazon. The Kindle edition is $3.99. Your best buy for the paperback version will be to buy a signed copy (if you like) from me directly for $13.00. Not only is this your best buy for the paperback, but a percentage of the proceeds will be donated to St. Jude’s Hospital. And don’t forget – this is the second book in the Sandhills Saga Series. If you would like the two book collection you can purchase that through me for $24.00. My email address is delilalumbardy@gmail.com. Amazon and Createspace have both books available, but at a higher price. Feel free to check them out and read the descriptions of the books.
June 2, 2018 – Read about the progress of the book on the Blog Page and get a sneak preview.
May 5, 2018 – I have worked diligently on the book this month. The book is written and I have read it from start to finish, satisfied that it flows well. Stan is now reading it through to see if he agrees. This week I hope to finish writing the acknowledgement page, work on a cover, and write the back cover. Then it’s formatting, something I’m not fond of doing. By the time I write next month, I’m hoping it’s nearly finished and ready for market. For next month’s blog, I will give you a taste of “Bound by Three Strands.”
April 6, 2018 – Work goes on! The final draft is nearing completion with only 6 chapters left. I am usually successful in completing a chapter a day. Once this is complete there will still be formatting, creating a cover, and writing an acknowledgement page that will need to be done. Once I think it is the way I want it, it is printed by CreateSpace (an Amazon company). Once they have printed it, they send it to me in book form (snail mail) and I have one more chance to read through it and make changes. All of this takes time, and I believe now that the release date will be closer to June 1st. My first book was titled Bound by Secrecy and I have now settled on Bound by Three Strands for this sequel.
March 3, 2018 – The book has now been reviewed by my last proofreader and I am striving to make those changes and some changes of my own. It’s amazing after writing a book, that you can see the improvement in your writing by the time you reach the end. What that means is that now I see things (wording, etc) that I won’t be satisfied with until I change it yet again. 🙁 I am shooting for a release date of May 1st. And the title – still a little bit up in the air, but maybe…Three Strands Fused.
February 3, 2108 – Stroke by stroke, the book sails towards the end. It’s not in harbor yet, but getting close. There will be editing and formatting following the last word written, but I’m beginning to think of a projected date of sale. Next month I will clue you in on that. In the meantime, I will also be contemplating the title.
January 6, 2018 – Two more chapters on the book have been finished and sent to my proof reader. A month ago I thought I would be wrapping it up within 2-3 chapters, but it’s going to take another 2-3 chapters from this point to get it all put together. It’s time to start thinking about a title.
December 2, 2017 – I completed two more chapters in the book and delivered them to my proof reader yesterday. I’m thinking I will wrap up things in the next 2-3 chapters. The work won’t be over yet, then however. After this will be formatting and that is a tedious affair – at least for me. But things are coming along.
November 4, 2017 – Several short stories were submitted to various publications this last week. I write on assignment for Word Action (formerly Nazarene Publishing Company.) An assignment came in this week so will be working on that in the next few days – then back to the sequel of “Bound by Secrecy.” Don’t give up on me – You’ll get to know Doc Vince well and he has a lot going on in this sequel. For one thing, darn old pack rats have stolen something very important to him.
October 5, 2017 – Writing goes on. I’m anticipating more time to focus on writing in the months going forward. I will be retiring from nursing at the end of this month. Look out trees! This month’s writing focus will be on a piece to submit to “Chicken Soup” books describing the ‘best advice that’s been given to me.’ When I saw the assignment, I knew immediately what I wanted to write about. “Let Common Sense Prevail” was written many times as a doctor’s order on various patient’s charts by a wise surgeon I worked with. As soon as this story is ready for submission, it will be back to working on the sequel of “Bound by Secrecy.” On a side note – I had a cute 7th grade girl (aren’t they all cute when you’re 63 years old) come to the house this last month on a school assignment. She was to interview someone that does what she wants to do in the future. She wants to write! I gave her a copy of “Bound by Secrecy” and enough business cards to pass out to her classmates.
July 1, 2017 – One of the best parts of colder weather is that I will have more time to write on my book. But today, at 84 degrees, isn’t one of them. Please be patient with me.
March 31, 2017 – I am currently working on Chapter 14 of the sequel to “Bound by Secrecy.” It progresses slowly because of other writing commitments that get thrown into the mix, but where there’s a will there’s a way. It will happen!
February 4, 2017 – Chapter 12 of the sequel to “Bound by Secrecy” is finished. I won’t decide on a title for this book until I have finished it. The reading at the Tri-State Museum on January 14th went well. We had many good readings and nice weather was in our favor.
January 1, 2017 – Due to bad weather, the reading at the Tri-State Museum was rescheduled to January 14th.
December 3, 2016 – December 17th, members of the Belle Fourche Writer’s Group will be doing readings at the Tri-State Museum in Belle Fourche, SD. I will be doing a reading of the short story “The Proof is in the Cheeseburger” that is now available in “Chicken Soup for the Soul, Angels and Miracles.” I have both this book and “Bound by Secrecy” on hand for those of you that would like one as a Christmas gift. You can contact me on FB.
November, 2016 – “Chicken Soup for the Soul, Angels and Miracles is now on sale. It is available on Amazon, both Kindle edition and paperback. I’m sure it is available in many bookstores as well. The story on page 128, entitled, “The Proof is in the Cheeseburger” is a miraculous story of healing, after the Doctor told me that they had done everything possible for my son, and if he were to live through this meningitis, it would not be because of anything the medical team had done. I continue to work on my second novel – thank-you for your patience.
September 25, 2016 – I attended my first writer’s conference this week in Sundance WY – hosted by the Bear Lodge Writer’s Group. Morgan Rogers, author from Maine was our speaker. I, along with several others, had her to a 5 page critique of some of our writing. I sent her the first 5 pages of the book I am currently working on. To my amazement she had no suggestions, but only compliments. I am fired up now!!
September 4, 2016 – Since returning to nursing, writing has slowed, but once my orientation is completed, I hope to have more time again to write.
August 5, 2016 – The Grace Bulloch Library in Spearfish, SD hosted a book signing for me yesterday. I gave a short author presentation at the beginning and answered numerous questions regarding the book and my other writings. This was great fun for me – what better way to spend your time than talking about what you love to do! A big thank-you to the library and to every one that came out in support of my book.
July 2, 2016 – The book signing at Ranchland Western Wear in Ainsworth during the Alumni Parade is past. What fun to see some former classmates I hadn’t seen in 25 years! The next book event will be a book signing at the Grace Bulloch Library in Spearfish SD on August 4th from 4:00-7:00.
June 3, 2106 – I will be visiting my hometown of Ainsworth NE during the Alumni Weekend. I will have a book signing at Ranchland Western Wear on Saturday the 25th from 9 a.m. until after the parade.
May 1, 2016 – This has been a good week for “Bound by Secrecy” with 15 private sales. Those sales took place in Spearfish SD and the following Wyoming communities: Gillette, Buffalo, TenSleep, and Worland. Thanks to all that are supporting my writing. I appreciate each one of you.
April 9, 2016 – I’m still contemplating where to have the next book signing of “Bound by Secrecy.” I am working on Chapter 5 of the sequel.
March 20, 2016 – The book signing in Gillette is a thing of the past. I haven’t planned my next one yet. Chapter 4 of the sequel is being written.
March 13, 2016 – The book signing in Gillette is this week! I look forward to seeing you at Coffee Friends between 10:00 and 2:00. The third chapter of the sequel is finished.
February 28, 2016 – The book signing in Gillette will be March 18th at Coffee Friends from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Hope to see you there. Don’t forget – if you can’t make it and want a signed copy I’ll be glad to mail you one.
February 20, 2016 – I am in the process of scheduling a book signing in Gillette WY for “Bound by Secrecy”. I will give you more details once it is scheduled. If anyone would like a signed book, but is unable to make it to a signing, I will be happy to mail one to you. Please go to my blog and leave me a note or you can leave me a message on Facebook and we can exchange addresses there. The cost of a mailed copy is $16.00. That includes shipping and handling.
February 7, 2016 – It was a fun day at “Sweet Repeats” in Spearfish yesterday. I had my book signing table set up at the front of the store and got to say hi to everyone that entered. And wow…did a lot of moms and teenage gals come through the door – prom is coming and the search for a dress is on! Not only that – it was bag day. I didn’t know women could stretch a plastic bag that full! There were eleven women waiting at the door before it opened at 10:00. I saw old friends, current friends, and made some new friends. Can’t beat that. And my box of books was considerably lighter as I carried it to the car at 5 o’clock. I will be working on scheduling a book signing in Gillette soon.
January 31, 2016 – A book signing at “Sweet Repeat”s in Spearfish SD will be held this coming Saturday, February 6th. I will be there at opening time – 10:00 a.m.
January 24, 2016 – The first book signing has occurred. Read all about it under my blog this week.
January 16,2016 – Many compliments are coming in by those that have read “Bound by Secrecy.” I look forward to my first book signing in less than a week. (See note below.) Check it out on Amazon and read the reviews. It’s also available at Createspace Estore.
January 3, 2016 – I will be at my first book signing on January 21st from 2:00-4:00 pm at my hometown library in Ainsworth NE. The setting of the book is in a fictional small Sandhills town, much like Ainsworth. I hope to see some “old” friends and meet some new ones.
December 20, 2015 – I have had several comments coming back from folks that have read, “Bound by Secrecy.” Several people have told me they couldn’t put it down until they had it read. Others are inquiring if I will write another book. I am considering a sequel to “Bound by Secrecy.” So far the ebook has sold a few more copies than the paperback, but I look for that to change this week. I am aware that there are paperbacks being ordered as Christmas gifts so that number will go up. The paperback is now available through Createspace estore and Amazon. You might like to check out the reviews posted on Amazon.
December 13, 2015 – “Bound bySecrecy” paperback is now available at the createspace estore (an Amazon company) for $12.49. You can google Createspace estore. Once it comes up, put “Bound by Secrecy” into the search box or simply use my name – DeLila Lumbardy. It will be available on Amazon within the week as well. The price will be the same for the consumer. Createspace – because it is the company that actually prints the book – allows a higher royalty for the author.
December 8, 2015 – “Bound by Secrecy” has been out now in ebook form since Thanksgiving. The paperback proof is scheduled to arrive at my door, no later than December 11th. If I approve the proof, it should be posted for sale by the 15th. It will be published by Createspace – an Amazon company and you will be able to purchase it on Createspace or on Amazon. It will cost the consumer the same on either website, but it will be to my benefit if it is purchased directly from Createspace. I will continue to keep you updated.
November 25, 2015 – “Bound by Secrecy” should be available as an Ebook on Amazon on Thanksgiving Day. The price is $3.99. I will also be setting it up as a paperback book, that will be available on Amazon as well . I will keep you posted on the availability of it. I am anxious to hear my reader’s thoughts once they have read the book.
On this page I will keep you updated about the book I will be getting published on Amazon. The name of the book is “Bound by Secrecy.” It will be sold through Amazon exclusively for at least the first 90 days. It will be available as both an E-book and a paperback book. I have classified it as a Christian fiction novel and a mystery. I am still working on the proper formatting that is required for the Kindle devices, but I do hope to have it ready to send to Amazon soon. Once they get it, it will be available to purchase within 48 hours.<